Saturday, November 17, 2007

Woo picture updates!

So I went to Worlds of Fun with Kellee and Raymond (not pictured). We went for Haunts and Coasters, which is a Halloween thing they do, and it was pretty cool. It was dark, very uncrowded, and about 58-60 degrees, so it was perfect. It's basically a miniature Cedar Point.

The Thursdays at JJ's crowd - Micah, Julie and myself. There are others that go most weeks as well, but I don't really have a good picture of all of us, so this is what you get. :)

Ah, Michigan-Michigan State gameday. Dave, on the far left, is a MSU grad. He actually wanted me to fly my dad out there to watch the game with us. Except he didn't tell me until the day it was a little late. Micah and Julie were there to watch the KU-Nebraska game earlier in the day, and stayed to watch the UM-MSU game with me and Dave and a bunch of other Michigan fans that were there. And by a bunch, I mean 5. Oh well, I live in Kansas, not exactly Big 10 country out here.

My friend Dan got married last weekend - so here's a few pictures from that. Allie, Chris and I outside the church after the ceremony...

...and the group of us with our big cameras. From left, Dave, me, Chris, Mike and Andrea.

That's it for now, and brings it pretty much up to date. I won't be home for Thanksgiving, but I will be home for Christmas, which is sooner than it seems. Yay!

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