Friday, April 27, 2007

I love a good cumulus cloud.

It was pouring rain and sunny at the same time today. Also awesome.

Ironically, as I was typing this (and thinking what a great, gentle, spring thunderstorm), I got called into work because there were tornado warnings to the south, and warnings got issued on this storm, likely as I was looking at it. Oh well - life in Kansas.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Alex came down to Kansas City for the weekend this weekend, and we went to the Twins game this afternoon. The weather was absolutely perfect (75 and sunny for the first pitch, 80 and sunny by the end, and we were sitting in the shade with a nice breeze). The Twins won, and it was really an interesting game to watch the whole time. Also helping along was the fact that I got free tickets from the television station I work at, and they were good seats, and we were surrounded by other Twins fans. Good stuff. Here are some pictures from the afternoon.

This was the view from our seats.

This is us at the game, decked out in Twins gear. Surprisingly, there were a large number of Twins fans there. Yes, we know we should have taken the picture with us in the sun as well so it wouldn't be so dark. Oh well - next time.

Monday, April 2, 2007

I spent a while this morning at Antioch Park, which is down the street from my apartment. Another gorgeous day. Here's a few of the pictures I took...

This is actually still in my apartment complex - those are the mailboxes. The flowering trees are gorgeous.

These are the tulips outside the office building next door to my apartment, but the tulips here are amazing, the colors are so bright. A lot of offices have these tulips out front, including the building where I work. They're beautiful.

Cute duck. No real story there.

This is another duck. I don't know what kind, but it's pretty.

This park is full of unsafe little bridges, but they sure are cute. If you look closely, there's a squirrel jumping across this one.

There's also a lot of winding paths through the park. Scenic.

This is another one of those unsafe bridges. Strange, but cool looking.

This is what a very angry, territorial goose looks like when swimming across the water quickly to scare off people coming near his mate.

A long, winding boardwalk that goes around the pond. Pretty cool.

These are the flowering trees that line the street along the edge of the park.

It's going to get a lot colder here soon, hopefully all these flowers don't die. I'm more sad about losing the 80 degree weather, but that's just me.

Sunday, April 1, 2007

I've been waiting to take pictures of my apartment complex until a night like this, when the sun was shining and it was nice outside. Tonight was gorgeous, 68 degrees and sunny. Tomorrow is going to be even warmer, it's awesome. Anyway, here's where I live...

This is the center, grassy area that was covered in snow in a previous post.

Here's the general look of all the buildings in the complex.

This is the grassy area that my apartment overlooks. I went to the other side of the carport to take this picture because it kinda blocks the view, but this is basically what I see out my sliding door from my patio.

This is one of the two fountains on the property, and the one closest to my apartment.

And, because there are never enough sunset photos, this is a sunset from a few weeks ago out my sliding door.