Friday, February 16, 2007

The much awaited apartment post. Here we go...

This is my living room, from the kitchen.

This is my kitchen/dining area. No room for a table, so I have two counter stools that are working out beautifully.

Sorry for the sideways view...this is the kitchen/island from the bedroom door.

Here is the bedroom, from the bathroom.

Here is the desk/bathroom, from the other side of the bedroom.

Again, sorry for the sideways shot. This is the bathroom (obviously).

Here is my expansive closet, that also holds my fabulous washer and dryer.

Just for perspective, because coming up is...

My fabulous washer (yes, there are clothes in it)...

And my awesome dryer! Woo full size appliances!

Anyhow, that's the big and small of it. I like it. It's homey. Come visit. :)


Dustin said...

OMG!!!11!one! your shower curtain is so sweet. I only have a boring blue one. I should get something super cool like one that looked like an empty shower so no one would even know there was a curtain and all of a sudden I could pop out of the wall and ask for a towel.

Dave LaGory said...

It's amazing that your clothes hang so nicely to the side like that. Do you live in an antigravity chamber of sorts, or perhaps a rotating space station? I bet you could do some amazing weather reports from space.

Please don't die.