Monday, March 26, 2007

This past weekend I went to Virginia Tech for a Theta Tau colony certification. It was fine, everything went well (except my uber-delayed flight Friday from Atlanta to Roanoke, which ended up being on an un-airconditioned plane. Yeah, that...not so much.) Anyway, VA Tech's campus was gorgeous, so I decided to post a few pictures of it.

This was the graduate school building, where I assume all the offices and things for the graduate school are. I just thought it was a cool building.

This one, and the next two, are Drill Field from right to left. VA Tech used to have a very large military presence on campus, and this is where drills were conducted, hence the name Drill Field. It's gorgeous and expansive.

Center view of Drill Field

Left view of Drill Field

Another center view of Drill Field from behind a monument. I can't remember what the monument is for.

This is a stone archway that connects two buildings. All the buildings (or most of them, anyhow) are made from this beautiful stone that apparently comes from VA Tech's own rock quarry. They call it Hokey Stone, because of the VA Tech mascot.

This is a better example of the Hokey Stone. This is one of the buildings that the stone arch is attached to.

Anyhow, that's how I spent my weekend. I look forward to this coming weekend, where I can finally relax and not do anything - I haven't had one of those in a while.

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